This is a Labor
Action Plan Monitoring report done by Witness for Peace delegates and International Team this past July. It includes the on-the-ground labor reality for Colombian workers now
that the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the U.S. has been
implemented. The report includes specific recommendations and case
studies for U.S. officials, policymakers and civil society to track where
labor law is not complied with and bring about effective change set out by U.S. and Colombian labor accords.
Labor Reality in Colombia |
Violations of the Colombian Action Plan
Related to Labor Rights:
Witness For Peace July
2012 Delegation Report
1, 2012
The purpose of this report is
to convey the findings and recommendations of the Witness for Peace delegation
that conducted an independent investigation of labor rights in Colombia from
July 20-30, 2012. Our ten-person delegation was comprised of two full-time
Witness for Peace staff living in Colombia and eight delegates from the United
States including trade unionists, educators, activists, and NGO workers. This
delegation specifically aimed to assess the implementation of the Labor Action
Plan now that the U.S. – Colombia Free Trade Agreement is in effect. Through
meeting with affected groups and advocacy organizations, we found multiple and
egregious violations of the plan in the areas of Cooperatives, Collective
Pacts, and Violence and Impunity, as well as a lack of response to the
troubling consequences of the FTA for women in Colombia. As the United States
is now complicit in these labor rights violations, we ask that the U.S. Embassy
do everything in its power to act on this information to remedy the continued
violations of the Labor Action Plan.
I. Cooperatives
The Colombian Action Plan
Related to Labor Rights intended to prohibit the misuse of subcontracting by
cooperatives and temporary service agencies. Witness for Peace July 2012
delegation has found that they have been replaced by new and just as prevalent
forms of intermediary employment and third party contracting. The Labor Action
Plan identifies the port sector as a priority. Buenaventura illustrates the
egregious labor violations of this plan. Our visit to the port provided clear
examples of noncompliance with the Labor Action Plan through a variety of
New forms of subcontracting
A Simplified Stock Association
(SAS) is a new form of subcontracting agency that has replaced cooperatives.
The port of Buenaventura and Sociedad Portuaria is especially dramatic in this
regard with over 700 intermediary companies such as Simplified Stock
Compania Servicios Portuario Esapecializada (CSPE)
is one of many SAS operated by the pro-managerial union Sintramaritimo. More
and more of these “unions” are adopting subcontracting mechanisms as a means of
skirting around the cooperatives. CSPE is an important example that limits
workers’ rights by preventing direct contracts with corporate employers which
would provide direct accountability and stability. Workers employed through CSPE
have been denied their legitimate benefits and job security through their
employment by a third party contractor.
The cooperative Coowinpropa reinvented itself as
a SAS named Artica. Then it transformed itself once more into another SAS
called Ecpe. However, the owner remained the same in all three forms. This not
only prevented direct contracts, but it also imposed temporary employment.
on Direct Contracts
The most common demand by port
workers is a direct contract relationship with the corporations.
Often direct contracts place conditions on
workers; most commonly workers are forced to agree to not join or to withdraw
from the Union Portuaria (otherwise known as a “yellow dog contract”). TECSA,
in addition to employing workers through intermediaries, enforced the condition
that workers not be represented by the Union Portuaria in its direct contracts
with workers. Intermodal S.A.S. required that workers not be represented by the
Union Portuaria and demanded that workers withdraw their complaints from the Labor
Ministry. Prodeco offered workers direct contracts only if they withdrew from
the union and kept their contracts secret.
of Precarious Work
According to the Labor Action
Plan, temporary work arrangements are not to be used to undermine labor rights.
Workers with Intermodal S.A.S. report
that even when they receive a direct contract, the duration rarely exceeds 4-6
months. These short term contracts enable a high turnover of workforce and
maintain low wages, poor working conditions, meager benefits and the inability
to accumulate seniority.
The Labor Action Plan requires
direct contracts and steady work for “permanent core functions.” However, workers report that the short
contracts and new intermediaries are eroding job security even in areas of core
function of the port.
of Competing Unions
The creation of competing
unions undermines workers’ collective bargaining rights. Many of these unions
have only a small number of members and receive preferential treatment from companies.
In Buenaventura, for example, Sintramaritimo, is described by workers as a
“sindicato patronal,” because it collaborates with the company to undermine
negotiations. It also received resources from the mayor’s office for rent in
the amount of 1,500,000 pesos.
As pointed out by the previous
Witness for Peace delegation in February, there is an ongoing problem with
Even though the Colombian
government complied with the hiring of additional inspectors, they are not
trained adequately to identify these new forms of subcontracting. When fines are imposed they are inadequate in
amount (a 56 million peso limit), they can be appealed interminably, and they
do not deter corporations from repeat violations. For large multinationals the fines are not a
deterrent and for smaller companies it justifies bankruptcy and leads to
reincorporation without improvement of labor conditions for workers.
In fact, of the 91 fines
imposed, no fines nor any criminal sanction for anti-union violence have been
carried out. (See the list of imposed
fines attached.)
Under Section III Part B, the
“strategy of offering to waive fines wholly or in part when the employer agrees
to create and maintain a direct employment relationship” allows the companies
to get away with their violations.
In requests for clarification
of Decree 2025, the Labor Ministry has exempted the very forms of labor
outsourcing that are meant to be prevented by the Labor Action Plan.
We have serious additional concerns about the labor and human rights conditions at
the port and in Buenaventura:
Ongoing death threats against union leaders
Blatant racism by employers of Afro-Colombian
Lack of social investment by the port companies
in the community
The increase in sexual violence against women
and child prostitution
Advocate for broader language and clearer
interpretation of labor law to include all forms of third party subcontracting
and outsourcing
Train more labor inspectors to ensure frequency
of inspection, monitoring, and follow-up
Promote compliance through the application of
fines and criminal penalties since no fines nor any criminal sanction for anti
union violence have been carried out.
Secure the increase in direct employment
relationships without conditions that undermine “the right to organize and
bargain collectively”
Protect threatened unionists and issue an immediate
embassy denunciation of any act of violence against workers
Collective Pacts
Another key issue undermining freedom of association in
Colombia is the continued use of collective pacts and the lack of enforcement
to prevent such pacts.
As you are aware, Section V of the Labor Action Plan
provides for reforming the Criminal Code of Colombia to criminalize collective
pacts that are used to undermine the right to organize. In addition, the Labor
Action Plan says that the Ministry of Social Protections, now the Labor
Ministry, “will implement a robust enforcement regime . . . to detect and
prosecute violations.” Unfortunately, these provisions of the Labor Action Plan
on collective pacts are not being fulfilled.
In collective pacts, workers are offered short-term benefits
and improved working conditions in exchange for renouncing their right to join
an independent labor union, effectively removing their right to organize and
allowing the company to dictate all conditions of employment. Without an
independent labor union to represent workers’ interests, workers cannot
effectively defend their rights and enjoy full protections of the labor code.
General Motors Colombia is one company that continues to use
collective pacts to the detriment of labor rights. Since 2003, GM Colombia has
signed a collective pact with workers every two years, with the last one signed
in January of 2012. At the signing this year, GM workers were incentivized with
money to sign the pact, which explicitly prohibits them from joining an
independent union. Workers were told that their continued employment was
dependent on signing the pact, so in fact they had no choice but to accept the
imposed conditions. The individuals who ostensibly represented the workers were
not elected and instead were appointed by GM management.
The lack of independent labor representation for GM workers
has exacerbated conflicts between workers and management and left many workers
subject to illegal firings. For example, workers have documented systemic
patterns of illegal terminations due to workplace injuries, including
debilitating conditions requiring major surgery that limit mobility and
employment options for workers. Company practices included the sharing of
medical records from the company clinic doctors with management, who then fired
workers based on this confidential information.
Both General Motors Colombia and the Ministry of Labor were
complicit in the illegal firing of injured workers. In the last year, worker
complaints prompted the Labor Ministry and the Procuraduría to investigate
these firings and concluded that GM had violated labor law. In a follow-up
investigation, workers’ medical records disappeared from company files, and the
Procuraduría was not present as required by law. Moreover, the labor inspector who signed off
on the firings, as well as the GM lawyer, have been sanctioned by the Attorney General
for their illegal actions.
These illegal firings led to the formation in May 2011 of
the Association of Injured Workers and Ex-Workers of General Motors Colombia
(ASOTRECOL). The founder of this organization, Jorge Parra, was fired two
months later in retaliation for exercising his right to freedom of association.
Without effective union representation, these workers have taken their
grievances to the public by protesting in front of the U.S. Embassy. These
workers are seeking reinstatement to jobs appropriate to their physical
abilities; the right to form a labor union; and pensions for those workers too
ill to resume employment based on their workplace injuries.
The continued existence of collective pacts and the systemic
failure to prosecute labor violations indicates that the Labor Action Plan has
not been implemented in full as required by U.S. Congress with the passage of
the Colombian Free Trade Agreement. As concerned U.S. citizens who are closely
monitoring the labor and human situation in Colombia, we request the U.S. Embassy
to take the following actions:
§ Investigate the collective pact signed by General Motors
with its workers that undermines their rights to organize
§ Press the Colombian government to prosecute those illegal
actions under the new criminal code implemented as part of the Labor Action
§ Resume discussions with ASOTRECOL and assist in the
resolution of the labor conflict between GM and these illegally fired workers
by advocating for the reinstatement of these workers, pensions for those with
disabilities that prevent their employment, and the formation of an independent
labor union
§ Work with the Colombian government to ensure the “robust
enforcement” required by the Labor Action Plan Section V is carried out
III. Violence Against Trade
Unionists, Impunity for Offenders
Colombia is known for having the highest rate of violence
against trade union members and labor activists. While we believe that the
initiatives included in the Labor Action Plan, such as broadening the
definition of who is covered in the Colombian government’s protection program
and the implementation of criminal justice reforms are a step in the right
direction, we are still extremely concerned with the levels of impunity,
violence and threats within the labor sector. In spite of the intended
additions of 95 judicial police investigators and 480 new labor inspectors, there
are abundant cases of union-related violence, threats, and other forms of
intimidation towards union leaders.
Even after both the Colombian and United States
governments signed the Labor Action Plan in April 2011, labor leaders have been
victims of over 500 death threats and 29 assassinations. One such case is that
of Daniel Aguirre, the Secretary General and founder of SINALCORTEROS. Mr.
Aguirre was assassinated on April 27, 2012 and to this date no justice has been
served. Immediate action is necessary to solve this case and bring justice to
the perpetrators since Mr. Aguirre is the first union leader to be killed since
President Obama declared implementation of the free trade agreement.
Other assassinations this year include that of Mauricio
Redondo of USO, who was killed along with his wife on January 17 in Puerto
Asis, Putumayo, and Alexander Gonzales Blandon of SINTRAENTEDDIMCCOL who was
murdered on January 19, 2012 in Bugalagrande, Valle del Cauca. In 2011, the
death of SINALTRAINAL member John Fredy Carmona, whose body was discovered on
December 9 in Medellin, and the paramilitary attack of SINALTRAINAL Executive
Committee Member Juan Carlos Galvis on November 9 have not been sufficiently
We are concerned that these deaths will only be further
additions to the backlog of cases that have perpetuated impunity in Colombian
society. Such cases include Luciano Romero of SINALTRAINAL, who was stabbed to
death in 2005. In fact, in SINALTRAINAL’s thirty years of existence, 24 union
members have been killed, 2 disappeared, 14 imprisoned, 80 death threats received,
49 forcibly displaced, 6 exiled, and several attacked. These acts of violence
against unionists are met with widespread impunity: of the 2,886 trade
unionists murdered since 1986 less than 10 percent have led to a conviction.
The impunity rate remains intolerable even for violence that has occurred after
the passage of the Labor Action Plan.
The continued persecution of trade unionists and labor
activists is further amplified considering the fact that only 3.9% of the
Colombian workforce is unionized. Death threats are another method used by re-armed
paramilitary units, who in some cases cooperate with multinationals, to
inculcate fear among union leaders and labor activists. The very same week that
the FTA went into effect, the following labor union leaders and their families’
received death threats:
Jhon Jairo Castro of Union Portuaria (Port
Workers’ Union)
Johnnson Torres Ortis of SINALCORTEROS
Rene Morales Silva of SINTRAINAGRO
This year, leaders of
SINTRAEMCALI were threatened by the paramilitary group the Black Eagles.
SINTRAINAGRO has received 13 death threats and union member Henry Diaz was
Given the alarming rates of persistent threats and acts
of violence, we have noticed that the implementations of the protection
programs and judicial reforms delineated in the Labor Action Plan have not been
achieved. It is imperative that the
Colombian government, with the support of the United States, ensures their
compliance with the specific programs and initiatives outlined in the Labor
Action Plan.
IV. The Omission of Women's Voices in the
US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
The concerns of Colombian women were not taken into
consideration with the development and passage of the FTA, either through a
government study or listening to the case of the women's movement. Without the inclusion of specific protections
for women, the FTA cannot stand as a just document. The obligation to reduce discrimination
against women is present in the Colombian Constitution as well as various
international humanitarian agreements, but is absent from the FTA. Discrimination based on gender is rampant in
Colombia, and has worsened during the past five years of free trade negotiation. According to a 2007 NGO report, the salary gap between men and women
holding the same position was 14.28%.
According to the women's division of the Central Unitario de Trabajadores
(CUT), the rate has doubled to 28.9% today.
Additionally, the increased economic inequality and instability caused
by the FTA forces more people (especially women) to work in the precarious
informal sector, without healthcare, contracts, or protection from the Labor
Action Plan.
The major concerns held by women of the Sabana of Bogota
during their First Popular Women's Assembly surrounded threats to the
environment and the local economy. The government does not monitor the flower
industry's water or soil pollution, or hold companies responsible for these
negative externalities. The displacement
of food crops for monoculture and flower production has decreased agricultural
job opportunities, and created precarious employment where wages are suddenly
lowered or hours reduced. Despite being
hailed as one of the most unionized industries in Colombia, due to the
prevalence of sindicatos patronales
which are headed by the company, the
union Untraflores is alone in truly seeking to protect workers’ rights. Furthermore, cheap agricultural imports have
destroyed women's capacity to compete with their own micro-economic
agricultural enterprises.
The women most disproportionately affected by the FTA are
indigenous and Afro-Colombian, as well as poor campesina women in rural areas, because of displacement by armed
groups or multinational economic interests. Colombia has the highest rate of
displacement in the world, and many indigenous communities are on the verge of
extinction. According to a leading
indigenous organization in Cauca, more than 6,000 people have been displaced in
their region this year alone. Community
leaders are concerned that this generation of children has only known violence,
and child recruitment continues to be a serious problem. The ethnic rights of
indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities protected by the International Labor
Organization (ILO) decrees were ignored by the parties who approved the FTA
without consulting either community.
Mary Bellman
Bethany Carson
Amanda Ciafone
Ruth Needleman`
Robert Winslow
Carlos Cruz, Witness For Peace
International Team
Jessica Weinstein, Witness for
Peace International Team